Modeling Lexical Organisation and Access: Bilinguals and Multilinguals
Lexical organisation and access, Mental lexicon, Hierarchical models, Computational models, Multilink modelAbstract
This article attempts to present a comprehensive account of models of lexical organisation and access to understand bilingual and multilingual language processing. The increasing number of bilingual and trilingual speakers has given rise to the question of how these speakers manage, control, and access multiple languages. Linguists, philologists, and psycholinguists turned to investigate how multiple languages are organised and accessed in the mental lexicon of bilinguals and trilinguals. It not only traces the earliest attempts to understand the bilingual language processing but also discusses various contemporary models including both the hierarchical models, and the computational models by identifying the interrelationship between the factors that influence lexical organisation and access in the mental lexicon. The nuanced understanding of bilingual and multilingual lexical organisation and access has practical implications for the multilingual society at large like Pakistan and linguistic and pedagogical implications in particular where teachers and students both take advantage of their linguistic competence of multiple languages.
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