Halliday's Metafunction and Galtung's Peace Paradigms: An Interpersonal Metafunctional Analysis of Peace Paradigms in The Selected Political Speeches


  • Saba Farid
  • Nighat Shakur


Interpersonal Metafunction, Ideational Metafunction, Textual Metafuction, Systemic grammar, Peace Paradigms, conflict resolution


The research paper aims to present the linguistic analysis of speeches of selected political leaders in order to analyze their paradigms of peace, as peace has always been the vital requisite and concern at national and global level.For linguistic analysis Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar is adopted as theoretical framework.The researchers have used Halliday’s Interpersonal Metafunction to analyze the concept of peace in political speeches of Donald Trump and Barak Obama in light of Gultangs peace paradigms. The research has endavoured to trace the relationship between interpersonal metafunctional aspects and Peace Paradigms. For this purpose a mixed methodology is usedand a Sequential exploratory design is selected. The detailed and in-depth analysis of the two speeches have been selected as sample study.Modality analysis of sample speech 1 is by President Barak Obama and sample speech 2 by President  Donald Trump. The speeches are analyzed using different aspects of Interpersonal metafunction including mood, modality, polarity and attitude (Affect, judgment and appraisal). Using this data, the analysis of Positive and Negative peace paradigms in these speeches is presented. This analysis includes both tabular presentations of data as well as detailed interpretation of the data. The detailed analysis established the fact that different interpersonal metafunctional aspects have different roles in building up the theme of peace paradigms and peace ideologies, as interpersonal metafunction represents the notion of language  as a source for the exchange of information (Halliday 1973)The study will provide new perspectives for the researchers in the field of linguistics to analyse political speeches linguistically and unveil the underlying meanings with specific reference to peace paradigms.

Author Biographies

Saba Farid

Ms. Saba Farid is currently serving as Assistant Professor at IMCG (P.G) G-10/4 Islamabad. She received her MS in Linguistics degree from Islamic International University and her M.A English degree from Peshawar University. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience at graduate and intermediate level. Her research interests include Peace Paradigms, Halliday’s Metafunctional Theory, Feminism and Political Discourse.

Nighat Shakur

Dr Nighat Shakur received her PhD from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. She has Post Doctorate from the University of North Carolina, USA. Her PhD dissertation entitled “Constructing Pathways to Translation: A study in Translation Pedagogy and Process

[ from English into Urdu and vice versa]” was the first ever thesis in field of Translation Studies at NUML. Her areas of academic teaching and research are General and Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies and Translations of Quran. She has few papers published in local journals of Pakistan. She is currently engaged in researching Translation theories and their direct/indirect applicability/validity to English Translations in general and Quran’s translation in specific.


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How to Cite

Farid, S., & Shakur, N. (2023). Halliday’s Metafunction and Galtung’s Peace Paradigms: An Interpersonal Metafunctional Analysis of Peace Paradigms in The Selected Political Speeches. Balochistan Journal of Linguistics, 10, 25. Retrieved from https://journals.luawms.edu.pk/bjl/article/view/43