Balochi, Language Contact, Borrowing, Old Persian, PhonologicalyAbstract
In this paper, the language contact trend and its impact on the phonological evolution over time of Balochi an Indo - Iranian language spoken in Balochistan was explored. The interaction of Balochi with various Iranian languages such as Old Persian, Middle Persian, Parthian, and Avestan has also been studied. The research brought to light that the language has undergone phonetic changes during distinct periods, influenced by various languages such as Median, Avestan, Old Persian, Middle Persian, Parthian, Eastern and Western Iranian languages, Modern Persian, and Arabic. Balochi continues to borrow and assimilate foreign words, particularly due to its geostrategic location in Balochistan. However, the origins of these borrowed words remain unclear. The research also addresses the decline of Balochi's significance as a lingua franca and the reasons for its assimilation in some regions while retaining its originality in others. Furthermore, it addresses the contemporary challenges faced by Balochi, including its assimilation into other languages and the impact of English as a global language. The study concludes by emphasizing the need for further research on language contact in Balochistan and its consequences for Balochi's preservation and development.
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