Exploring Learners' Views about Learning English Language through English Poetry at Graduate Level
Role of English poetry, Perception, Poetry-based activities, English language learning, Functional EnglishAbstract
This paper explores English language learner’s perception of learning English language through English poetry at a graduate level. Since poetry has great variety, it is a powerful tool for learning any language. It is a qualitative study in which phenomenological research design was used. The data were collected through a focus-group interview followed by non-participant observation. The findings show that poetry is great for learning English language. It helps students to increase their vocabulary, sentence structure, pronunciation, reading skills, etc. Possible future tasks and suggestions involve cross-cultural research, follow-up studies, technical knowledge and enhanced teaching concepts. Teachers and educators can go on extending language-related activities where students can enhance their language interaction with other languages, the culture, and even research and development in this line to build more practices and educational prospects.
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